328 research outputs found

    Pour un mécanisme de protection différenciée unique contre la gestion ainsi que les pannes : DiffServ*

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    L'avènement de l'Internet multiservice met fin à l'ère du réseautage de nature meilleur effort. Cette nouvelle caractéristique est très souhaitable et prometteuse sur plusieurs plans mais elle reste sujette à la capacité du réseau de protéger chaque catégorie de trafic selon sa priorité et ses exigences en qualité de service. Quand le réseau est déployé sur une infrastructure optique, une des préoccupations des plus importantes est sa capacité de survie et le maintien d'un service adéquat à toutes les applications suite à une panne physique. Nous savons qu'une simple coupure de fibre provoque des pertes énormes en capacité de transmission et si laissée sans surveillance, elle peut causer des dégradations majeures dans la qualité de service perçue par les usagers du réseau. Bien qu'il existe déjà des mécanismes de protection physique qui sont conçus spécifiquement pour remédier à de telles situations, ces options sont généralement très coûteuses et difficilement adaptable aux besoins variés de chaque classe de trafic d'un réseau multiserviceNous proposons alors un modèle innovateur de protection différenciée du trafic, DiffServ*, qui permet de répondre aux exigences particulières en qualité de service et de protection de chacune des classes de trafic et qui introduit une robustesse accrue et des économies importantes en matière d'utilisation de ressources d'un réseau IP/WDM. DiffServ* se distingue par l'utilisation combinée de l'architecture des services différenciées à la couche logique d'un réseau et de la technique d'agrégation de liens ou canaux disjoints à sa couche physiqueNotre modèle de protection différenciée du trafic en cas de pannes a été soumis à l'épreuve, nous avons utilisé la simulation pour étudier sa performance et nous l'avons comparé à un modèle de protection physique homologue, DiffProtect. Les résultats montrent que DiffServ* permet en moyenne de garantir une meilleure protection que DiffProtect en cas de pannes simples et multiples. DiffProtect n'est plus performant que dans certaines situations de pannes et de trafic très particulières. Une évaluation subséquente de la fiabilité d'un réseau qui utilise DiffServ*, une étude de coût de son déploiement et une étude de cas qui cible les réseaux MPLS-DiffServ TE confirment davantage la supériorité de DiffServ* par rapport à tout autre option de protection différenciée envisageableNous rappelons que DiffServ* se base sur les techniques de différenciation de service de la couche logique pour protéger le trafic en cas de pannes de composantes optiques. Ceci est inédit puisque ces mêmes techniques sont originalement conçues que pour protéger le trafic en cas de congestion dans la couche logique. Alors pour démontrer définitivement que DiffServ* est réalisable et fonctionnel nous réalisons une expérience de déploiement pratique de DiffServ* en laboratoire à l'aide d'équipements de communication réel. Malgré les divergences techniques entre la modélisation théorique de DiffServ* et de son implémentation, DiffServ* est démontré performant, fiable, économique et réalisable en pratiqueNous clôturons ce projet par une planification de déploiement ; cette dernière permet de généraliser le déploiement de DiffServ* à toute topologie IP/WDM et d'en dimensionner la couche logique. Notre procédure approche les situations qui requièrent la fiabilité spécifique de DiffProtect en offrant un modèle d'optimisation complet sur le déploiement de la protection MixProtect multicouche qui utilise DiffServ* et DiffProtect dans le même résea

    Caryoscope: An Open Source Java application for viewing microarray data in a genomic context

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray-based comparative genome hybridization experiments generate data that can be mapped onto the genome. These data are interpreted more easily when represented graphically in a genomic context. RESULTS: We have developed Caryoscope, which is an open source Java application for visualizing microarray data from array comparative genome hybridization experiments in a genomic context. Caryoscope can read General Feature Format files (GFF files), as well as comma- and tab-delimited files, that define the genomic positions of the microarray reporters for which data are obtained. The microarray data can be browsed using an interactive, zoomable interface, which helps users identify regions of chromosomal deletion or amplification. The graphical representation of the data can be exported in a number of graphic formats, including publication-quality formats such as PostScript. CONCLUSION: Caryoscope is a useful tool that can aid in the visualization, exploration and interpretation of microarray data in a genomic context

    D Final report on sensory testing in Africa for Group 1. Project AFTER “African Food Tradition rEvisited by Research”

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    This deliverable concerns the sensory evaluation of the reengineered group 1 African products in the AFTER project. Specifically, it related to reengineered akpan and gowe from Benin, kenkey from Ghana and Kishk Sa'eedi in Egypt. Concerning reengineered akpan from Benin, the sensory evaluation was undertaken in Montpellier, France. Re-engineering of akpan has focused primarily on improvement of sanitary properties of the product, which was a great achievement and will allow producing Akpan on a larger scale in SMEs in Africa. Sensory evaluation of the Akpan products was carried out using CATA and JAR techniques that have been developed for use with consumers instead of a trained panel. Three Akpan products were tested by 102 consumers: Akpan added with 10% sugar (AS10), Akpan added with 3% spray-dried milk and 8.7% sugar (AMS8.7) and Akpan added with 3% spray-dried milk and 15% sugar (AMS15). Independently of the Akpan tasted, Acidity or Sweetness attributes were scored “Just About Right, as I like” by 56 to 77% of consumers. Odour perception was perceived differently, depending on consumers. However, Texture was found “Too weak”, too liquid by the majority of consumers (49 to 55%) and Taste “too strong” (46 to 54%). The most frequently CATA descriptors checked by consumers which better described Akpan products were: “Artificial”, “Floral”, “New/Different”, “Strong in Taste”, “Mealy”, followed by “Liquid”, “Drinking yoghurt”, “Sweet”, “Acidic”, and “Rough”. At the opposite, an ideal-yoghurt was described as Creamy, Natural, Good for health, Refreshing, Homogeneous, with a texture of a Bulgarian yoghurt-type, Thick, Sweet, Attractive, Nutritious and Milk taste. In terms of sensory evaluation, the three Akpan products did not significantly. If we remove the terms such as “artificial”, “strong in taste”, “floral” due to a manufacturing error (use of a few drops of citronella essential oil instead of citronella infusion as a traditional flavouring of Akpan in Benin), it remains the terms “mealy”, “liquid” “drinking yoghurt” that better describe the product and were previously used for describing traditional Akpan product. This suggests that sensory properties of the reengineered Akpan may not be acceptable to French consumers who prefer a product with a creamy, homogeneous, Bulgarian yoghurt-type taste. Gowe in Benin was not tested using sensory evaluation. Sensory testing of Gowe in Benin was not undertaken because this was planned to be undertaken in Europe. The reason is because the methodology used in sensory evaluation is independent of the location provided the samples are the same. However, the particular samples provided for French sensory testing contained a concentration of aflatoxin that was higher than the minimum EU allowable limit. It was not possible to repeat the sensory test in France because it would have taken too long to obtain a replacement supply from Benin and to repeat the processing (takes one week). In which case the samples would have been took different to enable a comparison. The sensory evaluation of kenkey was carried at the Food Research Institute, Ghana. Current trends in urbanization, and the increasing popularity of kenkey among consumers, require larger scale production with consistent quality. Testing was conducted to determine the sensory profile of white reengineered kenkey made using the optimum pre-process conditions of steeping time (30 and 45h), steeping temperature (30ᵒC and 35ᵒC) and dough fermentation time of 12 hours. The qualitative descriptive analysis showed that the sensory profile of white kenkey was dependent on preprocessing variables. Thus merely optimizing the pre-processing variables with regards to acid production and other readily measurable constituents though could shorten the production process could not guarantee the best product sensory quality. The results show that all the descriptors generated were appropriate for differentiating sensory qualities among samples and could be used for basic research and product development for white kenkey. Soft and sticky texture in white kenkey was highly appreciated. Sensory evaluation of Kishk Sa'eedi (KS) was undertaken in Egypt. KS is an Egyptian indigenous wheat-based fermented food prepared traditionally according to the method applied by Upper Egyptians. This work is done to characterize sensory properties and sensory profile of the reengineered KS. Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) coupled with principal component analysis (PCA) was used to study the interrelationship among and between sensory attributes. 14 terms regarding appearance, odour, flavour and texture of the samples, was selected and a glossary describing each descriptor was developed. Three KS samples were profiled by 11 assessors using the chosen 14 sensory descriptors. Mean intensity ratings of the descriptive attributes showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) within KS samples for all the 14 attributes tested. In general, high ratings for creamy colour, fresh odour, KS taste and fracturability are considered as positive effects that would be favoured by panellists while increase in caramel colour, sour taste, denseness and mouth coating are regarded as undesirable. The re-engineered KS sample perceived as less sour and less salty compared with the traditional ones. With regard to texture quality, reengineered sample was easy to fracture, and scored higher for grittiness. Meanwhile, the sample was rated lower than the traditional ones with regard to Kishk taste and fermented odour. Descriptive sensory evaluations between of the traditional and re-engineered KS samples showed that tastes i.e. sour, salty, and KS taste; fracutability and grittiness were discriminating attributes. Fermented odour, colour i.e. creamy and caramel; presence of fissure and presence of bran were least discriminating. Evaluation of the KS sensory characteristics provide in depth understanding of the sensory quality criteria as perceived by the sensory trained panel. The present study showed that substantial differences in sensory character were noted between the traditional and re-engineered KS in particular, differences in colour, fresh odour, KS taste, fracutability and mouth coating. This work showed that the application of QFD and PCA techniques could provide the useful information to KS and helped to identify the importance of product attributes. In conclusion the sensory evaluation showed clear sensory differences between the traditional and reengineered products relating to akpan from Benin, kenkey from Ghana and Kishk Sa'eedi from Egypt. Other deliverables will report on the acceptance by consumers

    Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Phytogenic Substances for Optimizing Gut Health in Poultry

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    The gut microbiota has been designated as a hidden metabolic ‘organ’ because of its enormous impact on host metabolism, physiology, nutrition, and immune function. The connection between the intestinal microbiota and their respective host animals is dynamic and, in general, mutually beneficial. This complicated interaction is seen as a determinant of health and disease; thus, intestinal dysbiosis is linked with several metabolic diseases. Therefore, tractable strategies targeting the regulation of intestinal microbiota can control several diseases that are closely related to inflammatory and metabolic disorders. As a result, animal health and performance are improved. One of these strategies is related to dietary supplementation with prebiotics, probiotics, and phytogenic substances. These supplements exert their effects indirectly through manipulation of gut microbiota quality and improvement in intestinal epithelial barrier. Several phytogenic substances, such as berberine, resveratrol, curcumin, carvacrol, thymol, isoflavones and hydrolyzed fibers, have been identified as potential supplements that may also act as welcome means to reduce the usage of antibiotics in feedstock, including poultry farming, through manipulation of the gut microbiome. In addition, these compounds may improve the integrity of tight junctions by controlling tight junction-related proteins and inflammatory signaling pathways in the host animals. In this review, we discuss the role of probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic substances in optimizing gut function in poultry

    Early tumour response as a survival predictor in previously- treated patients receiving triplet hepatic artery infusion and intravenous cetuximab for unresectable liver metastases from wild-type KRAS colorectal cancer

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    Background: Early tumour shrinkage has been associated with improved survival in patients receiving cetuximab-based systemic chemotherapy for liver metastases from colorectal cancer (LM-CRC). We tested this hypothesis for previously treated LM-CRC patients receiving cetuximab (500 mg/m2) and triplet hepatic artery infusion (HAI) within European trial OPTILIV. Methods: Irinotecan (180 mg/m2), 5-fluorouracil (2800 mg/m2) and oxaliplatin (85 mg/m2) were given as chronomodulated or conventional delivery. Patients were retrospectively categorised as early responders (complete or partial RECIST response after three courses) or non-early responders (late or no response). Prognostic factors were determined using multivariate logistic or Cox regression models. Results: Response was assessed in 57 of 64 registered patients (89%), who had previously received one to three prior systemic chemotherapy protocols. An early response occurred at 6 weeks in 16 patients (28%; 9 men, 7 women), aged 33–76 years, with a median of 12 liver metastases (LMs) (2–50), involving five segments (1–8). Ten patients had a late response, and 31 patients had no response. Grade 3–4 fatigue selectively occurred in the non-early responders (0% versus 26%; p = 0.024). Early tumour response was jointly predicted by chronomodulation—odds ratio (OR): 6.0 (1.2–29.8; p = 0.029)—and LM diameter ≤57 mm—OR: 5.3 (1.1–25.0; p = 0.033). Early tumour response predicted for both R0-R1 liver resection—OR: 11.8 (1.4–100.2; p = 0.024) and overall survival—hazard ratio: 0.39 (0.17–0.88; p = 0.023) in multivariate analyses. Conclusions: Early tumour response on triplet HAI and systemic cetuximab predicted for complete macroscopic liver resection and prolonged survival for LM-CRC patients within a multicenter conversion-to-resection medicosurgical strategy. Confirmation is warranted for early response on HAI to guide decision making